Your new Sexual Health Service

Herefordshire’s relaunched sexual health service, Sexual Health Services 4 Herefordshire opened on the 1st April 2019. The service draws on the developments made to the service to date and remains a non-judgemental source of education, prevention, testing and treatment for everyone in Herefordshire, with a fresh focus on innovative digital solutions.

A new, custom built, clinic space in Hereford, as well as additional venues across the county, will see increased appointment and drop in session availability to include some evenings and weekends. The service website also has a fresh new look, with a whole host of local information and advice enabling people to have better control over their own sexual health and wellbeing. Although relaunched, the service will maintain the professionalism and experience of its existing team of staff, drawing on their inventive ideas to bring the best sexual health service for the needs of the people of Herefordshire.  

The team can be contacted via;

Telephone: 0800 7720478

Address: 15 St Owen Street, Hereford, HR1 2JB

Facebook and Twitter: @15StOwens


David Ritchie, Head of Sexual Health Services at Solutions 4 Health said: “We are delighted to launch Sexual Health Services 4 Herefordshire as it provides an opportunity to demonstrate our successful approach to improving healthcare across the country, by delivering high quality sexual health services for the people of Herefordshire”.